How to start making money with Affiliate marketing.

Affiliate marketing is a business model that allow you sell products already created by other people. It could be Digital products (e.Book course and it's like), physical products and even services. When you sell any of these product you keep a percentage of the money to yourself.

Let me explain further......

Let say I have a course that teaches people how to do data Entry for their business. All you need to do is look for a business and recommend that course to them. Once they do you get part of the money. Most times 50-70% of the cost of the product sold.

But for this process to happen you need:

1). An Affiliate platform

* A platform that provides you with variety of products from product owners

* A platform that allows you to generate a special link called Affiliate link for you to promote any product

* A platform that will automatically track when people buy with Affiliate link and credit your wallet

* A platform that will deliver the money made to your local bank account

* A platform that will allow you control your costumers, manage your prospect and get them to buy even if dey don't by immediately

A platform that you can easily navigate your way round.

2). A V. Traffic Source

A V. Traffic source is a system will enable you get to the people that need the product you choose to promote without having to walk the street. All you just need is to follow systematic process with the same device you're using to read the page now to get across the world who will need your product.This will require you to understand organic traffic generation and paid traffic generation. I will teach you too

3). Sale funnels

A sale funnel is complete automated system that enable you to get people Interested in the product you want to promote and bring them into a place where they can purchase the promote with your Affiliate link with your less interference of your presence.

The more you grow, the more you you can have this system work without you doing anything again in between. Just have it and it will bring in the sales for you. Just be cashing the money.
